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Can Turtles & Tortoises Eat Strawberries?

When people embark on the quest for a turtle or tortoise companion, they often overlook the crucial aspect of their diet. It’s imperative to understand the right provisions and sustenance required to ensure the well-being of your shell-dwelling friend. Occasionally, strawberries can serve as a delightful treat for select tortoises and turtles. Nevertheless, it’s worth […]

Can Turtles & Tortoises Eat Strawberries?

When people embark on the quest for a turtle or tortoise companion, they often overlook the crucial aspect of their diet. It’s imperative to understand the right provisions and sustenance required to ensure the well-being of your shell-dwelling friend.

Occasionally, strawberries can serve as a delightful treat for select tortoises and turtles. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that these fruity delights aren’t typically found in their natural habitats. Yet, under captivity, these creatures have exhibited a notable fondness for strawberries, perhaps due to various reasons yet to be fully understood.

The dietary preferences of turtles and tortoises remain relatively consistent whether they’re roaming the wild or residing in captivity.

The safety of strawberries for these shelled companions often sparks concern among pet owners. Despite their appeal due to taste and nutrition, the question lingers: are strawberries safe for your hard-shelled pets?

To unravel this query and delve into whether this fruit aligns with their dietary needs, delve into our comprehensive guide below. Keep reading to uncover the answer!

Why Do Turtles And Tortoises Eat Strawberries?

In the confines of captivity, turtles and tortoises have displayed a fondness for strawberries. With their lack of teeth, these creatures rely on their mouthparts to chew through their meals.

This poses a challenge when faced with foods that are tough or fibrous. However, strawberries come to the rescue with their sweet and succulent nature, making them an ideal snack or even a light dinner option for these reptilian companions.

Various factors contribute to their preference for strawberries, including:

The heightened sugar content in strawberries renders them a delectable treat for reptiles. This chemical, pivotal to plant life, occurs naturally in the environment.

Indulging in something sweet could aid turtles and tortoises in managing stressful situations and boosting their appetites.

Strawberries boast a nutritional profile beneficial for the development and growth of turtles and tortoises. Incorporating strawberries into your reptile’s diet serves as a strategy to compensate for the deficiency of essential vitamins often observed in these creatures.

Can Tortoises Eat Strawberry Leaves?

Young and fresh strawberry leaves do no harm to tortoises and are safe for consumption. However, caution is advised against feeding wilted strawberry leaves to tortoises due to the potential presence of hydrogen cyanide gas, which could prove fatal.

Moreover, the antioxidant properties found in strawberry foliage confer anti-inflammatory benefits and abound in natural bioactive substances.

Given that strawberry leaves harbor substances that shield tortoises from harmful microorganisms, they can safely indulge in these foliage as part of their diet.

Can Baby Turtles And Tortoises Eat Strawberries?

Due to their high fiber and sugar content, offering strawberries as a daily diet to baby tortoises and turtles can potentially result in gastrointestinal issues and deterioration of their beaks.

Additionally, considering their developmental stage, young turtles and tortoises require ample protein and nutrients for optimal growth. Relying solely on a diet of strawberries would deprive them of essential nutrients, hindering their progress and development.

Do Any Turtles Refuse To Consume Strawberries?

Strawberries undoubtedly considered as a top treat for the majority of box and aquatic turtles, often prompting them to eagerly seek them out once they’ve had a taste.

However, despite their widespread appeal, it’s essential to note that the red-eared slider, despite its popularity, isn’t naturally inclined towards fruit consumption in its outdoor habitat and shouldn’t be offered fruits in captivity either.

Given this natural inclination, your red-eared slider is unlikely to indulge in strawberries unless encouraged to do so. Therefore, there’s little cause for concern regarding them falling ill from consuming these fruits.

Are Strawberries Good For Turtles And Tortoises?

Strawberries hold a special place in the hearts (and bellies) of turtles and tortoises, offering a myriad of benefits that contribute to their overall health and well-being. Here’s a breakdown of why these delectable fruits are such a hit:

  1. Hydration:
    Strawberries come packed with essential nutrients and water, much to the delight of veterinarians and reptile enthusiasts alike. From combating digestive disorders to addressing chemical imbalances and even preventing bladder stones, these juicy treats work wonders in maintaining hydration levels. For an extra boost, consider mixing strawberries with other hydrating delights like melons or cantaloupes.
  2. Fiber:
    Keeping our shelled friends in tip-top shape goes beyond just providing water. Turtles and tortoises, young and old, require a balanced diet rich in fiber, fats, carbs, proteins, minerals, and vitamins for optimal development and sustained health. With their 2% fiber content, strawberries play a crucial role in keeping bowel movements regular, ensuring digestive health remains in check.
  3. Proteins and Fats:
    While strawberries do contain some fat and protein, they fall short of meeting the recommended daily allowances. However, their importance varies across different turtle and tortoise species, with Mediterranean tortoises incorporating as little as 5% fruit in their diet, while rainforest dwellers may indulge in up to 15%. Despite their modest protein and fat content, strawberries still hold value as part of a well-rounded diet.
  4. Vitamins and Minerals:
    Turtles and tortoises of all ages benefit from a diverse array of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. While strawberries offer a modest dose of vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, they shouldn’t be solely relied upon to fulfill dietary requirements. Striking a balance between calcium and phosphorus intake is crucial, as an imbalance can impact skeletal health. Experts recommend supplementing strawberries with a regular daily tortoise diet to ensure all nutritional needs are met. Additionally, strawberries provide essential vitamins like vitamin A for skin and eye health, vitamin B-complex to aid digestion and energy regulation, and vitamin E to combat stress. While strawberries offer a wealth of benefits, moderation is key to maintaining a healthy diet for our beloved reptilian companions. So, while strawberries can certainly be enjoyed, they should be just one component of a well-rounded meal plan tailored to meet their unique nutritional needs.

Are Strawberries Bad For Turtles And Tortoises?

It’s certainly possible for turtles and tortoises to consume too many strawberries, leading to potential health issues. Moderation is key when it comes to incorporating strawberries into their diet. Here’s why:

  1. Digestive Discomfort:
    Overfeeding strawberries can result in gastrointestinal distress for turtles and tortoises, potentially leading to diarrhea and a disruption in digestive function. This can also lead to dehydration due to excessive fluid loss from diarrhea, which can further exacerbate health problems. It’s crucial to feed these fruits in moderation to prevent such issues.
  2. High Sugar Content:
    Strawberries contain a significant amount of sugar, and excessive consumption can contribute to obesity, poor nutrient absorption, and other health issues in turtles and tortoises. It’s important not to overdo strawberry servings to avoid these potential health complications.
  3. Not a Staple Meal:
    While strawberries may be enjoyed as a treat, they’re not a staple part of a turtle or tortoise’s natural diet. These reptiles have specific dietary needs that may not be fully met by strawberries alone, as they lack essential elements required for their daily energy needs. Overfeeding strawberries can lead to gastrointestinal issues due to their low fiber content.
  4. Pesticides:
    Strawberries are often treated with pesticides to control pests, and these chemicals can pose risks to turtles and tortoises if ingested in large quantities. Additionally, strawberries’ surface pits can absorb and store harmful substances more effectively than other fruits. It’s crucial to properly wash strawberries to remove any pesticide residue before feeding them to your pet. Immersing them in a mixture of water and baking soda or using a fruit brush while washing can help eliminate these pollutants, ensuring the safety of your reptilian companion.

How Should You Give Your Turtle And Tortoise Strawberries?

If you’re keen on treating your turtle or tortoise to some strawberries, it’s essential to prioritize their health by opting for organic, freshly picked strawberries free from harmful pesticides or insecticides.

Here’s a simple guide to ensure your strawberries are safe for consumption:

  1. Baking Soda Solution:
    Prepare a solution by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with one cup of cold water. Submerge your strawberries in this solution for at least 20 minutes to help eliminate any pesticides present on the surface.
  2. Rinsing and Brushing:
    After soaking, thoroughly rinse the strawberries under running water. While rinsing, gently brush them with a fruit brush to ensure any remaining toxins are removed.
  3. Feeding Time:
    Chop up the strawberries into small, manageable pieces and offer them to your turtle or tortoise. To foster a stronger bond with your pet, consider hand-feeding them the strawberries.
  4. Moderation:
    Remember, moderation is key. Adult turtles and tortoises should ideally be given two to three strawberries per week. It’s crucial not to exceed the recommended amount to prevent potential health issues.

By following these steps and practicing responsible feeding habits, you can ensure that your turtle or tortoise enjoys their strawberry treats safely and in moderation, promoting their overall well-being and strengthening your bond with your beloved reptilian companion.


Understanding what to feed your shelled companions is crucial for their health and longevity. Establishing a proper feeding routine and adhering to guidelines ensures their well-being. Dive into our comprehensive guidelines to learn how to feed your tortoise and identify safe food options for a better understanding of their dietary needs!


Soumik Sarkar

I am an animal lover from India. It's a trusted website for animal lover.

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