Blue-redstripe danio

“The vibrant colors of the Blue-redstripe danio light up any aquarium.”

Best Quotes for Blue-redstripe danio Fish

Blue-redstripe danio Lifespan related to Blue-redstripe danio Predators & Blue-redstripe danio Conservation Status also Blue-redstripe danio Location and Habitat important regarding Blue-redstripe danio Reproduction & Blue-redstripe danio Diet for Blue-redstripe danio Behavior of the Fish

Blue-redstripe danio Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Eukaryota
Phylum: Animalia
Class: Chordata
Order: Actinopterygii
Family: Cypriniformes
Data Source:

Blue-redstripe danio Characteristics

The Blue-redstripe danio is a small, colorful fish often found in aquariums. It has bright blue and red stripes and is known for its playful and active behavior.

Blue-redstripe danio Lifespan

The lifespan of Blue-redstripe danio is around 2-4 years when kept in a suitable environment.

Blue-redstripe danio Diet

Blue-redstripe danios eat small insects, crustaceans, and algae found in their natural habitat. They also enjoy commercial fish flakes.

Blue-redstripe danio Behavior

Blue-redstripe danios are peaceful fish that swim in schools, often darting around the tank quickly. They are active and colorful.

Blue-redstripe danio Reproduction

Blue-redstripe danios reproduce by laying eggs that are fertilized externally, with males and females releasing sperm and eggs simultaneously.

Blue-redstripe danio Location and Habitat

Blue-redstripe danio can be found in freshwater rivers and streams in Southeast Asia, like Thailand and Cambodia. They are often seen swimming near rocks and plants.

Blue-redstripe danio Conservation Status

Blue-redstripe danio is classified as Least Concern due to stable populations and no major threats to their survival.

Blue-redstripe danio Predators

The predators of Blue-redstripe danio include larger fish, birds, and even some aquatic mammals.

Blue-redstripe danio FAQs

  1. What is the scientific name of Blue-redstripe danio?
    • The scientific name of Blue-redstripe danio is Danio kerri.
  2. What is the maximum size of Blue-redstripe danio?
    • Blue-redstripe danio can grow up to 2 inches in length.
  3. What is the ideal tank size for Blue-redstripe danio?
    • Blue-redstripe danio should be kept in a tank that is at least 10 gallons.
  4. What is the ideal water temperature for Blue-redstripe danio?
    • The ideal water temperature for Blue-redstripe danio is between 72-78°F.
  5. What do Blue-redstripe danio eat?
    • Blue-redstripe danio are omnivores and can be fed a diet of flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods.
  6. Are Blue-redstripe danio peaceful fish?
    • Yes, Blue-redstripe danio are peaceful fish that can be kept in community tanks.
  7. Do Blue-redstripe danio need a lot of plants in their tank?
    • Blue-redstripe danio prefer a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spots.
  8. Can Blue-redstripe danio jump out of the tank?
    • Yes, Blue-redstripe danio are known to be jumpers, so it’s important to have a secure lid on their tank.
  9. How often should Blue-redstripe danio be fed?
    • Blue-redstripe danio should be fed small amounts of food 2-3 times a day.
  10. Are Blue-redstripe danio easy to care for?
    • Yes, Blue-redstripe danio are relatively easy to care for and are a great choice for beginner fish keepers.

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