Black-and-cinnamon fantail

“The black-and-cinnamon fantail is a striking beauty in the bird world.”

Best Quotes for Black-and-cinnamon fantail Bird

Black-and-cinnamon fantail Lifespan related to Black-and-cinnamon fantail Predators & Black-and-cinnamon fantail Conservation Status also Black-and-cinnamon fantail Location and Habitat important regarding Black-and-cinnamon fantail Reproduction & Black-and-cinnamon fantail Diet for Black-and-cinnamon fantail Behavior of the Bird

Black-and-cinnamon fantail Scientific Classification

Domain: Chordata
Kingdom: Aves
Phylum: Passeriformes
Class: Rhipiduridae
Order: Rhipidura

Data Source:

Black-and-cinnamon fantail Characteristics

The Black-and-cinnamon fantail is a small bird with a striking black and cinnamon coloration. It is known for its distinctive fan-shaped tail that it flicks and flutters while perched. This bird is native to the forests of Southeast Asia and is known for its energetic and playful behavior. The Black-and-cinnamon fantail is a skilled insect hunter, using its sharp beak to catch flying insects in mid-air. Its melodious song can often be heard echoing through the forest, making it a beloved sight and sound in its natural habitat.

Black-and-cinnamon fantail Lifespan

The Black-and-cinnamon fantail has a lifespan of around 6-8 years in the wild. In captivity, they can live up to 10-12 years with proper care and a suitable environment. It is important to provide them with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a stress-free living space to ensure their longevity.

Black-and-cinnamon fantail Diet

The Black-and-cinnamon fantail mainly eats insects like flies, ants, and beetles. They catch their prey while flying and sometimes pick insects off leaves. They also eat small fruits and berries. This bird has a varied diet to stay healthy and strong.

Black-and-cinnamon fantail Behavior

The Black-and-cinnamon fantail is a small, energetic bird known for its playful behavior. It flits around quickly and chirps loudly, often performing elaborate aerial displays to attract a mate.

Black-and-cinnamon fantail Reproduction

Black-and-cinnamon fantails reproduce by building cup-shaped nests out of grass and feathers. The female lays 2-3 eggs, and both parents take turns incubating and feeding the chicks.

Black-and-cinnamon fantail Location and Habitat

The Black-and-cinnamon fantail can be found in the forests and woodlands of Southeast Asia. They are known for their distinctive black and cinnamon colored feathers, and can often be seen flitting about in search of insects.

Black-and-cinnamon fantail Conservation Status

The Black-and-cinnamon fantail is classified as a species of least concern, meaning it is not currently at risk of extinction. However, habitat loss remains a potential threat to its population.

Black-and-cinnamon fantail Predators

Black-and-cinnamon fantails are hunted by cats, rats, and birds of prey. They use their speed and agility to escape danger.

Black-and-cinnamon fantail FAQs

  1. What is a Black-and-cinnamon fantail?
    A Black-and-cinnamon fantail is a type of bird known for its distinctive black and cinnamon-colored plumage.

  2. Where are Black-and-cinnamon fantails typically found?
    These birds are native to Indonesia, specifically in the islands of Java and Bali.

  3. What do Black-and-cinnamon fantails eat?
    They primarily feed on insects, but also consume small fruits and seeds.

  4. How big do Black-and-cinnamon fantails grow?
    These birds are relatively small, typically measuring around 15-17 centimeters in length.

  5. Are Black-and-cinnamon fantails endangered?
    No, they are not considered endangered at this time.

  6. Do Black-and-cinnamon fantails migrate?
    These birds are non-migratory and tend to stay in their preferred habitats year-round.

  7. What is the lifespan of a Black-and-cinnamon fantail?
    In the wild, they can live up to 5-6 years on average.

  8. Do Black-and-cinnamon fantails have any predators?
    Their main predators are birds of prey such as hawks and owls.

  9. Are Black-and-cinnamon fantails social birds?
    Yes, they are known for being quite sociable and often form small flocks.

  10. Can Black-and-cinnamon fantails mimic other bird calls?
    Yes, they are known to mimic the calls of other bird species as part of their vocal repertoire.

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