Ambon white-eye

“The Ambon white-eye: a small bird with a big impact on the heart.”

Best Quotes for Ambon white-eye Bird

Ambon white-eye Lifespan related to Ambon white-eye Predators & Ambon white-eye Conservation Status also Ambon white-eye Location and Habitat important regarding Ambon white-eye Reproduction & Ambon white-eye Diet for Ambon white-eye Behavior of the Bird

Ambon white-eye Scientific Classification

Domain: Chordata
Kingdom: Aves
Phylum: Passeriformes
Class: Zosteropidae
Order: Zosterops

Data Source:

Ambon white-eye Characteristics

The Ambon white-eye is a small bird found on the Indonesian island of Ambon. It has a distinctive white eye-ring and a bright yellow belly. These birds are known for their cheerful songs and can be found in forests and gardens. Ambon white-eyes primarily feed on insects and fruits. They are social birds and often seen in small flocks. Due to habitat loss and deforestation, the Ambon white-eye population is declining. Conservation efforts are being made to protect these birds and their natural habitat.

Ambon white-eye Lifespan

The lifespan of an Ambon white-eye bird is typically around 5 to 7 years in the wild. However, in captivity, they can live up to 10 years or more. These small birds are known for their colorful plumage and cheerful songs.

Ambon white-eye Diet

The Ambon white-eye bird mainly eats insects, fruits, and nectar. It searches for food in trees and bushes, looking for small insects to eat. It also enjoys eating sweet fruits and drinking nectar from flowers.

Ambon white-eye Behavior

The Ambon white-eye is a friendly bird that lives in groups. They are curious and playful, often seen hopping from branch to branch in search of food.

Ambon white-eye Reproduction

Ambon white-eyes lay small eggs in nests made of twigs and leaves. Both parents take turns sitting on the eggs to keep them warm until they hatch.

Ambon white-eye Location and Habitat

Ambon white-eye is found in the tropical forests of Ambon Island in Indonesia. These small birds are known for their distinctive white eye-ring and can be spotted flitting among the lush foliage.

Ambon white-eye Conservation Status

The Ambon white-eye is currently classified as “Vulnerable” due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Conservation efforts are needed to protect this species from further decline.

Ambon white-eye Predators

The Ambon white-eye has predators like snakes, birds of prey, and cats. They hunt the small birds for food, so they must stay alert and hide well.

Ambon white-eye FAQs

  1. What is the Ambon white-eye?
    The Ambon white-eye is a small bird species native to the Ambon Island in Indonesia.

  2. What does the Ambon white-eye eat?
    The Ambon white-eye primarily feeds on insects, fruits, and nectar.

  3. What is the habitat of the Ambon white-eye?
    The Ambon white-eye can be found in forests, plantations, and gardens on Ambon Island.

  4. How big is the Ambon white-eye?
    The Ambon white-eye is approximately 10-12 centimeters in length.

  5. What is the breeding behavior of the Ambon white-eye?
    The Ambon white-eye builds cup-shaped nests and lays 2-3 eggs per clutch.

  6. Is the Ambon white-eye endangered?
    The Ambon white-eye is considered a species of least concern by the IUCN.

  7. How can I attract Ambon white-eyes to my garden?
    You can attract Ambon white-eyes by planting native fruit-bearing trees and providing fresh water sources.

  8. Are Ambon white-eyes social birds?
    Yes, Ambon white-eyes are known to form small flocks while foraging for food.

  9. What is the lifespan of an Ambon white-eye?
    The lifespan of an Ambon white-eye is typically 5-7 years in the wild.

  10. Are Ambon white-eyes migratory birds?
    No, Ambon white-eyes are non-migratory birds that are endemic to Ambon Island.
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Hello fellow animal enthusiasts! 🌿 I'm Dhananjoy Kumar Bala an animal lover 🌍💚

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