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Ashy-bellied white-eye

“The Ashy-bellied white-eye’s beauty lies in its subtle elegance and delicate markings.” Best Quotes for Ashy-bellied white-eye Bird Ashy-bellied white-eye Lifespan related to Ashy-bellied white-eye Predators & Ashy-bellied white-eye Conservation Status also Ashy-bellied white-eye Location and Habitat important regarding Ashy-bellied white-eye Reproduction & Ashy-bellied white-eye Diet for Ashy-bellied white-eye Behavior of the Bird Ashy-bellied white-eye […]

Ashy-bellied white-eye

“The Ashy-bellied white-eye’s beauty lies in its subtle elegance and delicate markings.”

Best Quotes for Ashy-bellied white-eye Bird

Ashy-bellied white-eye Lifespan related to Ashy-bellied white-eye Predators & Ashy-bellied white-eye Conservation Status also Ashy-bellied white-eye Location and Habitat important regarding Ashy-bellied white-eye Reproduction & Ashy-bellied white-eye Diet for Ashy-bellied white-eye Behavior of the Bird

Ashy-bellied white-eye Scientific Classification

Domain: Chordata
Kingdom: Aves
Phylum: Passeriformes
Class: Zosteropidae
Order: Zosterops

Data Source: Wikipedia.org

Ashy-bellied white-eye Characteristics

The Ashy-bellied white-eye is a small bird with a distinct greyish-white belly and yellowish-green upperparts. It typically lives in forests and woodlands in Southeast Asia, feeding on insects and fruits. These birds are known for their cheerful songs and social behavior, often seen in flocks chirping and fluttering together. The Ashy-bellied white-eye plays a vital role in maintaining the ecosystem by dispersing seeds and controlling insect populations. Overall, they are charming and important members of the avian community in their habitats.

Ashy-bellied white-eye Lifespan

The Ashy-bellied white-eye has an average lifespan of 5 to 7 years in the wild. However, some individuals have been known to live up to 10 years in captivity. This small bird is native to Southeast Asia and is known for its distinctive ashy-colored belly.

Ashy-bellied white-eye Diet

The Ashy-bellied white-eye mainly eats insects, fruits, and nectar. They have a varied diet that includes small insects like beetles and caterpillars, as well as fruits like berries and figs. They also feed on nectar from flowers.

Ashy-bellied white-eye Behavior

Ashy-bellied white-eyes are social birds that live in groups. They communicate through calls and body language. They forage for insects and berries together, showing cooperation within the flock.

Ashy-bellied white-eye Reproduction

Ashy-bellied white-eyes reproduce by building cup-shaped nests in trees. The female lays eggs, which hatch after about 12 days. Both parents take turns feeding and caring for the chicks.

Ashy-bellied white-eye Location and Habitat

The Ashy-bellied white-eye can be found in the forests and woodlands of Southeast Asia, including countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. They prefer to live in dense vegetation and are often seen in small flocks.

Ashy-bellied white-eye Conservation Status

The Ashy-bellied white-eye is currently classified as a species of least concern, meaning it is not at risk of extinction. Its population is stable.

Ashy-bellied white-eye Predators

The Ashy-bellied white-eye is preyed upon by snakes, birds of prey, and feral cats. These predators hunt the small birds for food in their natural habitat.

Ashy-bellied white-eye FAQs

  1. What is an Ashy-bellied white-eye?
    An Ashy-bellied white-eye is a small bird species found in Southeast Asia.

  2. What does an Ashy-bellied white-eye look like?
    It has a greyish-brown back and a white belly, with distinctive white rings around its eyes.

  3. Where does the Ashy-bellied white-eye live?
    It can be found in forests, plantations, and gardens in countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

  4. What does the Ashy-bellied white-eye eat?
    This bird primarily feeds on insects, fruits, and nectar.

  5. How does the Ashy-bellied white-eye communicate?
    It is known for its high-pitched, melodious calls that it uses to communicate with other members of its flock.

  6. Is the Ashy-bellied white-eye a migratory bird?
    No, this species is non-migratory and stays in its habitat year-round.

  7. How does the Ashy-bellied white-eye build its nest?
    It constructs a small, cup-shaped nest made of twigs, leaves, and grass, usually in the branches of trees.

  8. Is the Ashy-bellied white-eye a social bird?
    Yes, it is often seen in small groups or flocks, foraging for food together.

  9. What are the predators of the Ashy-bellied white-eye?
    This bird may be preyed upon by snakes, birds of prey, and larger mammals.

  10. Is the Ashy-bellied white-eye considered a threatened species?
    No, it is classified as a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Dhananjoy Bala

Hello fellow animal enthusiasts! 🌿 I'm Dhananjoy Kumar Bala an animal lover 🌍💚

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