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Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella Magna)

Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella Magna)

“They can live up to 9 years.” The Eastern Meadowlark, scientifically known as Sturnella magna, belongs to the following taxonomic classification: Its conservation status is classified as “Near Threatened,” indicating that it faces potential risks to its population but has ...

Do Florida Softshell Turtles Bite?

Do Florida Softshell Turtles Bite?

I always advise understanding a Florida Softshell turtle’s behavior before considering buying or adopting one. Why? Because it’s crucial to know whether it’s generally calm or prone to quick anger. This knowledge helps you tailor your care to suit the ...

Tortoise Growth Rate: How To Make Them Grow Faster?

Tortoise Growth Rate: How To Make Them Grow Faster?

The tortoise help forums are flooded with inquiries such as, “How big should a 1-year-old Sulcata tortoise get?” or “What’s the ideal size of a 5-year-old tortoise’s carapace?” While I understand the concern, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research on ...

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