Cardinal tetra

“Cardinal tetras may be small, but their vibrant colors make a big impact in any aquarium.”

Best Quotes for Cardinal tetra Fish

Cardinal tetra Lifespan related to Cardinal tetra Predators & Cardinal tetra Conservation Status also Cardinal tetra Location and Habitat important regarding Cardinal tetra Reproduction & Cardinal tetra Diet for Cardinal tetra Behavior of the Fish

Cardinal tetra Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Eukaryota
Phylum: Animalia
Class: Chordata
Order: Actinopterygii
Family: Characiformes
Genus: Paracheirodon
Data Source:

Cardinal tetra Characteristics

Cardinal tetras are small, colorful fish found in the Amazon rainforest. They have bright red and blue colors and are popular in aquariums for their vibrant appearance.

Cardinal tetra Lifespan

Cardinal tetras can live up to 5 years in captivity.

Cardinal tetra Diet

Cardinal tetras eat small insects, worms, and plankton found in their natural habitat in the Amazon rainforest.

Cardinal tetra Behavior

Cardinal tetras swim in schools, flash colors when happy, and nip at each other when stressed or scared.

Cardinal tetra Reproduction

Cardinal tetras reproduce by laying eggs in plants. The male fertilizes them, leading to the birth of baby fish.

Cardinal tetra Location and Habitat

Cardinal tetras are found in the warm, slow-moving waters of the Amazon River basin in South America, where they live in schools among plants and driftwood.

Cardinal tetra Conservation Status

Cardinal tetras are at low risk of extinction, but their habitat destruction threatens their population.

Cardinal tetra Predators

Cardinal tetras are eaten by bigger fish like angelfish, discus, and pufferfish in the wild.

Cardinal tetra FAQs

  1. What is the scientific name of Cardinal tetra?
    Answer: Paracheirodon axelrodi.

  2. What size tank is suitable for Cardinal tetra?
    Answer: A tank of at least 10 gallons is recommended.

  3. What is the ideal water temperature for Cardinal tetra?
    Answer: 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit.

  4. What do Cardinal tetras eat?
    Answer: They are omnivores and eat a variety of foods including flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods.

  5. Are Cardinal tetras peaceful fish?
    Answer: Yes, they are peaceful and do well in community tanks.

  6. How can I distinguish between male and female Cardinal tetras?
    Answer: Males are typically more colorful and have a longer fin on their anal fin.

  7. How many Cardinal tetras should I keep together?
    Answer: They do best in schools of at least 6-8 individuals.

  8. Can Cardinal tetras live in planted tanks?
    Answer: Yes, they thrive in planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots.

  9. Are Cardinal tetras prone to any diseases?
    Answer: They are susceptible to diseases like fin rot and ich, so proper tank maintenance is important.

  10. How long do Cardinal tetras typically live?
    Answer: With proper care, they can live up to 5 years.

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