

“The robin can migrate up to 3,000 miles to its wintering grounds” The robin, scientifically classified as Turdus migratorius, belongs …

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“They can find their way back to their nests from up to 1300 miles away.” Pigeons, scientifically classified as follows: …

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Northern Flicker (C. Auratus)

Northern Flicker (C. Auratus)

“Northern Flickers often make their homes in dead trees.” Scientific Classification of the Northern Flicker: Conservation Status: Least Concern Locations: …

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“Mockingbirds are incredible mimics that can learn hundreds of songs!” The Mockingbird belongs to the following taxonomic classification: Mockingbirds are …

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Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus)

Kagu (Rhynochetos Jubatus)

“The endangered kagu is the only bird in the world with nasal corns!” Kagu’s scientific classification: Regarding its conservation status …

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“The jackdaw is a clever and mischievous bird, a capable scavenger, and a devoted partner.“ The scientific classification of the …

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Ibis (Threskiornithidae)

Ibis (Threskiornithidae)

“Found in swamps, marshes and wetlands!” The ibis belongs to the following scientific classification: The scientific name for the ibis …

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“The Hoopoe genus is the only living member of its family!” The Hoopoe, scientifically classified as Upupa epops, belongs to …

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Great Egret (Ardea alba)

Great Egret (Ardea Alba)

“The male egret performs an elaborate courtship display to attract a mate.” The Great Egret, scientifically classified as Ardea alba, …

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“Finches have strong, conical bills that help them break open tough seeds that many other birds cannot.” The classification you …

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Downy Woodpecker (D. pubescens)

Downy Woodpecker (D. Pubescens)

“Downy woodpeckers look slightly different depending on where they are located.” The Downy Woodpecker, scientifically known as Dryobates pubescens, belongs …

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Cuckoo (Cuculidae)

Cuckoo (Cuculidae)

“The Channel-billed Cuckoo is the world’s largest cuckoo.” Cuckoo’s Place in Science Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: AvesOrder: CuculiformesFamily: CuculidaeGenus: CuculusScientific Name: …

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