Grouse (Tetraoninae) Bird Facts

Scientific Classification

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A bird species with feathers on nostrils, legs, and feet!

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  • Grouse Bird Facts
  • What’s a Grouse Bird
  • Sage Grouse Bird
  • Black Grouse Bird
  • Ruffed Grouse Bird
  • Blue Grouse Bird
  • Mountain Grouse Bird
  • Red Grouse Bird
  • White Grouse Bird
  • Spruce Grouse Bird
  • Greater Sage-Grouse Bird
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  • Willow Grouse Bird
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Grouse Conservation Status

  • Least Concern

Grouse Locations

  • Europe

Grouse are ground-dwelling birds commonly found in temperate and subarctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Their habitats include forests, moorlands, and mountainous areas. Despite being classified as “Least Concern” by conservation authorities, their populations can be affected by habitat loss and hunting pressures in certain regions.

Here are some interesting facts about grouse:

Main Prey

  • Insects, Nuts, Seeds, Berries

Distinctive Features

  • Long tail feathers
  • Feathered legs and toes


  • 45 cm – 101 cm (22 in – 40 in)


  • Forest
  • Shrubland
  • Grassy plains


  • Fox
  • Lynx
  • Birds of prey


  • Omnivore


  • Flock

Favorite Food

  • Insects


  • Bird

Average Clutch Size

  • 8


  • Feathered legs and toes!

Physical Characteristics

  • Color: Brown, Yellow, Red, Blue, Black, White, Green
  • Skin Type: Feathers
  • Top Speed: 6 mph
  • Lifespan: 1 – 10 years
  • Weight: 0.3 kg – 6.5 kg (0.6 lbs – 14 lbs)
  • Length: 31 cm – 95 cm (12 in – 37 in)

Grouse are known for their diverse coloration and distinctive physical traits, such as feathered legs and toes, which help them adapt to their often cold habitats. They are social birds typically found in flocks and have a varied diet, which classifies them as omnivores. Their habitats range from forests to open plains, making them quite adaptable to different environments.

Grouse (Tetraoninae) Bird Facts

Grouse are medium-sized, stocky birds that inhabit the Northern Hemisphere. They are known for having feathers on their nostrils, legs, and feet. This feathering helps them adapt to cold environments by providing extra insulation. Grouse feathers closely resemble their habitat, offering excellent camouflage that aids in their survival. These birds are closely related to chickens, turkeys, and pheasants, sharing similar characteristics and behaviors.

Each year, approximately eight million grouse are hunted for food or sport. They are primarily found in grassy and forested habitats, where they use their camouflage to blend in with the environment and evade predators. This makes them a popular target for upland game bird hunting. Despite the high number of birds hunted annually, their conservation status remains “Least Concern” due to their widespread distribution and large populations.

Top Grouse Facts

  1. Feathers on Nostrils, Legs, and Feet: Grouse are unique among birds as they have feathers on their nostrils, legs, and feet. This adaptation helps them to stay warm in cold climates by providing additional insulation.
  2. Sexual Dimorphism: In grouse species, there is a notable size difference between males and females. The female, known as a hen, weighs about half as much as the male, known as a cock.
  3. Hunting: Grouse are popular game birds, with about eight million individuals legally hunted each year. This hunting occurs primarily for food and sport in their natural habitats, which include grassy and forested areas.

These facts highlight some of the distinctive features and behaviors of grouse, illustrating their adaptations and interactions with humans.

Scientific Name

Grouse are part of the order Galliformes and the family Phasianidae. The bird’s scientific name is Tetraoninae. This name is derived from the Latin word tetrao-, meaning “a kind of gamebird,” and -idae, from the ancient Greek term for “appearance.”

Species in the United States and Canada

There are about 10 species of grouse in the United States and Canada, including:

  • Blue Grouse
  • Spruce Grouse
  • Ruffed Grouse
  • Sharp-tailed Grouse
  • Sage Grouse
  • Greater Prairie Chicken
  • Lesser Prairie Chicken
  • Willow Ptarmigan
  • Rock Ptarmigan
  • White-tailed Ptarmigan

These species vary in their habitats and behaviors but share common characteristics that classify them within the grouse family.

Grouse (Tetraoninae) Bird Facts


Classification and Relationships

  • Order: Galliformes
  • Family: Phasianidae
  • Clade: Galloanserae

Grouse, as part of the Galliformes order, are corpulent, terrestrial birds often hunted as game or reared for their eggs and meat. They are related to other birds such as turkeys, quail, pheasants, hens, and peafowl. The Galloanserae clade, which includes Galliformes and Anseriformes (waterfowl), indicates that grouse share a common ancestor with ducks, geese, and swans.

Evolutionary History

Experts assert that the earliest Galloanserae were present and waddling about by the Cretaceous period, approximately 66 to 145 million years ago. Some experts even extend this period to the Mesozoic era, spanning 66 to 252 million years ago. This timeline suggests that these birds managed to survive the cataclysmic events that ended the Mesozoic period, unlike the arboreal Enantiornithes, which became extinct.

Grouse and their semi-aquatic relatives likely survived by taking refuge in water and burrows. The earliest ancestors of the Phasianidae family, which includes grouse, partridges, and pheasants, appeared during the Oligocene epoch, around 30 million years ago.


Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus)

  • Weight: Up to 1.65 pounds
  • Length: Up to 20 inches
  • Distribution: Widest of any game bird in North America, found from the Appalachian Mountains to Canada
  • Features: Sturdy avians with a distinctive ruffed collar

Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scotica)

  • Distribution: Great Britain
  • Plumage: Reddish-brown
  • Eggs: Pale brown with white and dark brown speckles

Black Grouse (Lyrurus tetrix)

  • Length: Up to 2 feet
  • Weight: Up to 2.76 pounds
  • Distribution: Great Britain, Eastern Europe, and Scandinavia
  • Features: Notable for the males’ distinctive black plumage and lyre-shaped tail feathers

Hazel Grouse (Tetrastes bonasia)

  • Length: Up to 15 inches
  • Distribution: Central and Western Europe, extending to Japan
  • Features: Delicately patterned plumage, smaller size

Spruce Grouse (Canachites canadensis)

  • Length: Up to 17 inches
  • Weight: Up to 23 ounces
  • Distribution: Idaho, Wyoming, Alaska, and Canada
  • Features: Recognized for their association with coniferous forests

These grouse species exhibit a variety of adaptations and physical traits that allow them to thrive in their respective habitats. Their differences in size, plumage, and geographic distribution make each species unique.

Grouse (Tetraoninae) Bird Facts

Appearance and Behavior

Grouse are plump birds that primarily thrive on the ground, where they nest in tall grasses and other ground cover. They can glide short distances when alarmed to escape predators. Their brown, gray, and red feathers protect them from the weather and help them blend into their surroundings. Feathers also grow over their nostrils, legs, and toes to keep them warm and help them travel over snow. These birds have thick necks, long legs, and short, hooked beaks.

Most grouse reach about 30 centimeters in height. However, the wood grouse of Europe and Asia can grow as large as 100 centimeters. The largest North American grouse, the sage grouse, typically grows to 62 to 70 centimeters, making them smaller than geese and about the same size as chickens. Male grouse are usually twice as large as females.

Forest grouse tend to live alone or with their chicks. A hen’s nest of eggs or group of chicks is called a clutch. In contrast, prairie grouse are more social and frequently interact with each other. During the fall and winter, arctic and tundra-dwelling grouse form flocks of up to 100 birds. Most male grouse mate with multiple females, except for the willow grouse, which is monogamous.


Grouse can be found in a wide range of habitats across North America. In the United States, they inhabit areas from the subarctic regions of Alaska to the prairies of Texas. They thrive in diverse environments, including tundra, heathlands, grasslands, temperate forests, and boreal forests. Additionally, some species of grouse live in Europe and Asia. Known as upland gamebirds, grouse typically avoid watery habitats favored by wetland game birds like ducks and geese.

Habitat and Nesting

Grouse adapt their nesting habits to their environment. Those living in grassy areas nest in tall grasses, while those in forests nest on the forest floor. In snowy regions, grouse dive and burrow under the snow to create igloo-like shelters that retain their body heat, keeping them warmer than the outside air.

Territorial Behavior

Male grouse are territorial and usually maintain an area between 10 and 50 acres, actively keeping other males away. Female grouse, on the other hand, range over about 100 acres and are more tolerant of sharing their space with other grouse.

Migration and Non-Migration

Most grouse are non-migratory and remain in the same habitat throughout the year. However, the ptarmigan, or snow grouse, migrates from its arctic habitat to northwestern states or lower elevations during the winter.

Hunting and Conservation

Grouse are widely hunted for their meat. In North America and Europe, hunting groups often farm grouse by providing them with land to thrive. These semi-protected habitats allow hunters to track and “flush out” individual mature birds during a hunt, balancing both conservation and hunting practices.

Grouse (Tetraoninae) Bird Facts


Grouse have an omnivorous diet, meaning they consume both plant matter and small animals. While they primarily feed on vegetation, including grasses, fruits, berries, nuts, shoots, flowers, and seeds found on the forest floor or in their habitat, they also supplement their diet with insects, spiders, worms, lizards, snakes, eggs, snails, and small rodents.

Certain species of grouse have unique dietary preferences. For example, some enjoy feasting on evergreen tree needles, which are abundant in many forested areas. Sage grouse, in particular, rely heavily on sagebrush, especially during the winter months when it becomes a significant part of their diet. They even seek shelter beneath sagebrush during harsh weather conditions.

Additionally, grouse sometimes intentionally consume sand or grit, which aids in their digestion, particularly of the rough plant materials they ingest. This behavior helps them process their food more efficiently and extract nutrients from their diet.

Predators & Threats

Grouse are well-adapted to harsh winters, thriving in conditions where other birds struggle. However, their plump, meaty bodies make them desirable prey for both humans and animals alike. Four-legged predators such as foxes, wolves, wildcats, and lynx target grouse, as do large birds of prey and snakes, which prey on their eggs.

Human hunting also poses a significant threat to grouse populations, with approximately eight million grouse hunted annually in America alone. Fortunately, many of these hunts occur on lands where farmers actively hatch grouse to replenish populations. Grouse typically have large clutches, ensuring that many eggs and chicks are hatched by each mother, which helps mitigate the impact of hunting on their populations.

However, grouse face other significant threats, particularly from global warming and habitat loss. Climate change disrupts their natural habitats and food sources, leading to challenges such as early spring weather, extreme heat, and heavy rain, which can result in the mortality of hatchlings and entire populations. Habitat loss occurs as a result of urban development, farming, and forest fires, pushing grouse out of their natural lands and into less suitable environments where they struggle to survive.

To address these threats, scientists are working on conservation efforts aimed at preserving grouse habitat. Preserving forests and regrowing trees are among the key strategies to help ensure the survival of grouse populations in the face of mounting environmental challenges.

Grouse (Tetraoninae) Bird Facts

Reproduction, Babies, and Lifespan

Male grouse, with the exception of the willow grouse, typically mate with multiple females during the breeding season. To attract mates, male grouse engage in elaborate courtship displays at dawn and dusk in the spring. These displays involve dancing, strutting, fluffing their feathers, and drumming their wings on fallen logs. Some species, like male sage grouse and prairie chickens, inflate brightly colored neck air sacs to impress females, and occasionally, males may engage in fights to compete for mates.

Females construct their nests on the ground, usually in a natural depression sheltered by groundcover like grasses or sagebrush. They line the nests with plant materials such as leaves and twigs.

After mating, females begin laying eggs about a week later. They lay one egg every day or two until they have a clutch of between five to 12 eggs. Incubation lasts 21 to 28 days, and once hatched, the chicks leave the nest immediately. The mother grouse protects her brood from predators and guides them to foraging areas where they must find their own food, typically plants or insects. Male willow grouse may assist in caring for the young, but in most species, males do not participate in parenting.

By the time the chicks are two weeks old, they have developed wings and can fly in short bursts. However, they remain near their mother until they reach adult size and weight, typically around 12 weeks of age.

Grouse typically reach sexual maturity after a few years and can live for seven to eight years in the wild, with some individuals surviving up to 11 years. However, cold weather and disease can result in high mortality rates, with as many as three in every four young grouse perishing each year.

Full List of Grouse Species

Here’s a list of over 20 species of grouse:

  1. Black-billed capercaillie
  2. Western capercaillie
  3. Black grouse
  4. Caucasian grouse
  5. Chinese grouse
  6. Columbian sharp-tailed grouse
  7. Dusky grouse
  8. Franklin’s grouse
  9. Greater sage-grouse
  10. Gunnison grouse
  11. Hazel grouse
  12. Ruffed grouse
  13. Sharp-tailed grouse
  14. Siberian grouse
  15. Sooty grouse
  16. Spruce grouse
  17. Greater prairie chicken
  18. Lesser prairie chicken
  19. Rock ptarmigan
  20. White-tailed ptarmigan
  21. Willow ptarmigan
  22. Ocellated turkey
  23. Wild turkey

These species vary in their geographic distribution, habitat preferences, and physical characteristics, contributing to the diverse array of grouse found around the world.

Grouse (Tetraoninae) Bird Facts


The population of grouse fluctuates widely from season to season and year to year due to various factors such as harsh winters, unfavorable weather conditions, and disease outbreaks. These factors can lead to significant decreases in population numbers, sometimes by thousands. Additionally, the hunting season also contributes to a reduction in the grouse population, with millions fewer birds present after each hunting season. However, grouse have a remarkable ability to bounce back from population declines. They typically lay many eggs in each clutch and can even nest a second time during the mating season if the first set of eggs is lost.

In North America, there are approximately 15 grouse per mile of land. Among grouse species, the sage grouse is particularly vulnerable to habitat loss in the United States. Currently, there are only around eight million sage grouse remaining in the U.S. While the species is not listed as endangered, it is classified as “near threatened.” In 2019, an order issued by the Trump administration opened up sage grouse habitat in the western United States to oil drilling. This decision poses a significant threat to the habitat of millions of sage grouse, and many scientists are concerned that the drilling activities could push the sage grouse to the brink of extinction.

Final Thoughts…

Grouse are fascinating birds that inhabit a diverse range of habitats across the globe. With over 20 species, they exhibit a wide variety of adaptations and behaviors that allow them to thrive in environments ranging from forests and prairies to tundra and heathlands. Despite facing challenges such as habitat loss, hunting pressure, and environmental threats like climate change, grouse populations have shown resilience and the ability to rebound. However, continued conservation efforts are necessary to ensure the survival of these remarkable birds for generations to come.

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