
“The kingfisher digs burrows into the ground”

The scientific classification of the kingfisher is as follows:

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Aves
  • Order: Coraciiformes
  • Family: Alcedines

To delve deeper into the classification of animals, you can explore our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals.

In terms of conservation status, the kingfisher is categorized as “Near Threatened.”

Kingfishers can be found in various locations around the world, including:

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Central America
  • Eurasia
  • Europe
  • North America
  • Ocean
  • South America

Here are some fascinating facts about kingfishers:

  • Main Prey: Kingfishers primarily feed on fish, shrimp, insects, and tadpoles.
  • Fun Fact: Kingfishers are known to dig burrows into the ground.
  • Distinctive Feature: They are characterized by their small bodies and long, sharp, straight beaks.
  • Wingspan: Kingfishers can have a wingspan of up to 2 feet.
  • Incubation Period: The incubation period for kingfisher eggs ranges from 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Habitat: They inhabit lowland freshwater areas and river estuaries.
  • Predators: Common predators of kingfishers include foxes, snakes, and raccoons.
  • Diet: Kingfishers are omnivores, consuming a variety of foods.
  • Lifestyle: They are solitary creatures.
  • Favorite Food: Fish is their favorite food.
  • Type: Kingfishers are birds.
  • Average Clutch Size: A typical clutch for kingfishers consists of 4 eggs.
  • Slogan: They are known for inhabiting wetlands and woodlands worldwide!
  • Nesting Location: Kingfishers nest in burrows.
  • Age of Molting: Kingfishers typically molt between 3 to 8 weeks old.
  • Migratory: Some species of kingfishers are migratory.

In terms of their physical characteristics:

  • Color: Kingfishers can display various colors including brown, yellow, red, blue, black, green, and orange.
  • Skin Type: Their bodies are covered in feathers.
  • Top Speed: Kingfishers can reach speeds of up to 25 mph.
  • Lifespan: They typically live for 6 to 10 years.
  • Weight: Kingfishers can weigh between 10g to 170g (0.4oz to 6oz).
  • Height: Their height ranges from 10cm to 37.5cm (4in to 15in).

The kingfisher, a family of brilliantly hued and uniquely shaped birds, finds its habitat along the banks of rivers and near various bodies of water across the globe.

The kingfisher bird truly commands attention with its striking plumage and unmistakable, piercing calls, easily setting itself apart from the surrounding avian population. Frequently found perched in trees with barely a hint of movement, these birds exhibit a remarkable blend of patience and agility. Yet, when prey is spotted, they swiftly launch into action, executing precise dives to secure their catch. The remarkable diversity within the kingfisher family only adds to their allure, showcasing a wide array of adaptations and behaviors across species.

3 Amazing Kingfisher Facts

The ancient Greeks spun intricate myths surrounding the kingfisher bird, with one of the most renowned tales being that of the “halcyon days.” This legend speaks of a tranquil period of light weather occurring around the winter solstice. According to Greek belief, this serene weather was attributed to the god of winds calming the elements so that a kingfisher named Halcyon could peacefully lay her eggs. However, it’s worth noting that this myth seems disconnected from the kingfisher’s actual breeding habits, as they do not typically breed during winter.

Kingfisher birds boast remarkably sturdy legs, a trait stemming from their frequent perching within trees, which constitutes the majority of their time.

In terms of their reproductive biology, kingfisher eggs are adorned with an almost pristine white hue, adding to their mystique and beauty.

Evolution and Origins

The earliest traces of kingfishers can be traced back to Lower Eocene sediments, approximately 40 million years ago, with fossil discoveries unearthed in Wyoming. These findings are supplemented by more recent deposits found in Germany and France, as well as Australian material dating back to less than 25 million years.

Kingfishers possess remarkable adaptations that aid in their hunting prowess. Through modifications in their lenses, they possess the ability to accurately gauge the depth of their prey even while submerged. As they plunge into the water, a specialized membrane, known as the nictitating membrane, slides over their eyes, shielding them from water intrusion.

Intriguingly, the vibrant cyan and blue hues adorning their feathers are not merely pigmentations but owe their brilliance to intricate nanostructures. These structures, found within the barbs of their feathers, alter the reflection of light, resulting in the captivating colors observed. Even minor alterations in the structural composition of these barbs lead to subtle variations in the displayed colors. This fascinating interplay between biology and optics underscores the beauty and complexity of the kingfisher’s plumage.


Where to Find the Kingfisher

Kingfisher birds are ubiquitous across nearly every corner of the globe, save for the most extreme polar and desert environments. Their highest concentrations are observed in tropical regions, including Africa, South Asia, Australia, and various Pacific locales. These vibrant birds predominantly inhabit areas in close proximity to rivers and lakes, where they thrive amidst the abundance of aquatic life.


The kingfisher exhibits a behavior quite uncommon among birds: the propensity to excavate burrows within banks, tree hollows, or even termite mounds. Over the course of approximately a week, the industrious parents diligently use their feet to dig out dirt, fashioning a burrow that typically spans between 3 to 6.5 feet in length. At the culmination of their efforts lies a nesting chamber, providing a secure and sheltered haven for their offspring.

Scientific Name

The scientific name for the kingfisher family is Alcedinidae, stemming from the Latin term for the bird, “alcedo.” Presently, around 90 species are acknowledged, categorized into three primary types: the true fishing kingfishers, the forest kingfishers, and the New World kingfishers. This diverse family shares close ties with other avian species, including bee-eaters, rollers, and motmots, all falling under the order of Coraciiformes.

Different Types

Here are 13 different types of Kingfisher Birds:

  1. Belted Kingfisher
  2. Tree Kingfisher
  3. Common Kingfisher
  4. Collared Kingfisher
  5. Green Kingfisher
  6. Giant Kingfisher
  7. Malachite Kingfisher
  8. Amazon Kingfisher
  9. Woodland Kingfisher
  10. Crested Kingfisher
  11. Pied Kingfisher
  12. Sacred Kingfisher
  13. Ringed Kingfisher

Size, Appearance & Behavior

The kingfisher’s appearance often strikes observers as if it were assembled with a peculiar precision in a laboratory. Its proportions feature a relatively large head, robust feet, and a dagger-like bill seamlessly integrated into a compact body with a stubby tail. Among its diverse array of species, the African dwarf kingfisher stands as the smallest, measuring a mere 4 inches in length, while the giant kingfisher and laughing kookaburra claim the title of the largest, boasting impressive 2-foot wingspans and 18-inch bodies. Adorned in vibrant plumage, kingfishers typically showcase a medley of bright blue, green, orange, or red hues, often embellished with intricate patterns and stripes. Some species additionally flaunt a striking crest atop their heads, adding to their distinctive allure.

Kingfisher birds exhibit a preference for modest social structures, typically comprising mating pairs or familial groups. To facilitate communication within these units, they rely on a diverse repertoire of vocalizations, ranging from clicks and whistles to screams and chirps. Among the various species, the laughing kookaburra, indigenous to Australia, stands out for its particularly jovial call, resembling a hearty laugh.

In addition to their vocal interactions, kingfishers prioritize cleanliness in their daily routines. They invest considerable effort into maintaining their hygiene, often taking to the water to wash themselves thoroughly. Furthermore, they meticulously groom their bills, rubbing them against branches to ensure they remain immaculate.

Pattern and Timing

Kingfisher birds typically adhere to a strict adherence to their home territory, seldom venturing far from its confines. Their territory holds such significance that they exhibit aggressive behavior towards intruders in order to defend it. However, there are exceptions to this general rule within the kingfisher family.

For instance, the belted kingfisher stands out as a long-range migratory species, defying the typical territorial boundaries. It breeds in northern regions as far as Alaska and Canada, then migrates southward during the winter months, journeying as far as Mexico and Central America. Remarkably, the belted kingfisher also maintains a year-round presence in the continental United States.



The kingfisher, while omnivorous, exhibits a notable preference for hunting and consuming meat, displaying adaptations finely tuned for this purpose. Its favored hunting technique involves perching on a stalk or tree branch, meticulously observing its surroundings before swiftly swooping down on unsuspecting prey. Upon capturing its quarry, the kingfisher may resort to a method of subduing live prey by beating it against its perch.

Remarkably, despite its relatively small size, the kingfisher possesses a voracious appetite and remarkable digestive capabilities. It can consume prey larger than its own body size and may even have portions of its meal protruding from its mouth as digestion begins in its stomach.

Contrary to its name, kingfishers do not solely subsist on fish. They are highly adaptable hunters, seizing opportunities presented by a wide array of prey. Their diet includes insects, snakes, skinks, spiders, crabs, mice, scorpions, berries, and occasionally smaller birds. The specific composition of their diet varies depending on the local availability of food sources.

Predators and Threats

Kingfisher birds encounter several threats in their natural habitat, including predation, habitat loss, and introduced non-native predators.

Adult kingfishers have relatively few natural predators in the wild. They possess the agility to evade most threats by swiftly flying among trees or diving into the water. However, birds of prey, such as hawks and owls, are among the few creatures fast and agile enough to pose a significant threat to them in the air.

In contrast, kingfisher eggs are far more vulnerable to predation. Various animals, including raccoons, skunks, dingoes, foxes, snakes, mongooses, and even chimpanzees, are known to prey upon kingfisher eggs, posing a significant risk to their reproductive success.

Reproduction, Babies, and Lifespan

Birds can mate throughout the year, although spring and summer are more typical for kingfishers in temperate regions. Their courtship rituals are quite elaborate, involving aerial chases, mutual feeding, and affectionate displays.

This courtship behavior is crucial for strengthening their bond because once they’ve found a mate, kingfishers often stay together for life. After mating, the female lays one egg per day until she’s laid between two and 10 eggs in the nest. Depending on favorable conditions, kingfisher pairs can have up to four broods in a single year.

Parental involvement is significant as the chicks hatch blind and helpless. Both parents play essential roles in raising their offspring, and in some kookaburra species, older siblings may assist with caretaking duties.

It takes three to eight weeks for the chicks to grow their flight feathers. They have a short time to learn to fly before their parents encourage them to leave the nest. Depending on the species, kingfishers typically live between six to 14 years in the wild.



Overall, the kingfisher family is thriving, with most species classified as least concern by conservation organizations. The common kingfisher, in particular, boasts a widespread presence, with an estimated population ranging from 700,000 to 1.4 million mature individuals in their natural habitats.

While species like the giant and belted kingfishers also maintain robust populations, some of the rarest members of the family face significant threats. The Marquesas kingfisher and the Tuamotu kingfisher, found on small Pacific Islands, are critically endangered due to habitat loss and other factors.

Tragically, the Micronesian kingfisher has suffered the most severe fate, becoming extinct in the wild. Today, only around 150 individuals exist in captivity, with some housed at facilities like the San Diego Zoo, highlighting the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect these vulnerable species.

Before You Go…

While many species of kingfishers thrive across diverse habitats worldwide, some face significant challenges, particularly those in remote or island environments. Conservation efforts remain crucial to ensure the continued health and survival of these fascinating birds, preserving their vital roles in ecosystems and biodiversity.

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